


Read the information below to learn about the specific steps students need to take 来注册博彩平台推荐的课程. 


博彩平台推荐 and students who have not been at 博彩平台推荐 within the past 12 months 必须 follow 所有 steps below to register for credit courses.



博彩平台推荐 who have been at 博彩平台推荐 within the past 12 months may skip to 下面第5步.


博彩平台推荐 who have a hold on their record will be prevented from registering for new 类,直到保留被清除.  博彩平台推荐可以通过 浪涛门户 并应与上市公司联系,明确义务.

直到付款完成,注册才会完成.  协助设置 制定付款计划, 观看这个视频.

有关付款方式,请联络 商务办公室409-944-1362.


博彩平台推荐 必须 apply for admission 博彩平台推荐 and submit 所有 supporting documentation.

Information on applying to the college and supporting documentation may be found by 参观 招生办公室 页面.


博彩平台推荐 offers many types of financial aid to assist eligible students to 支付课程费用.  参观 金融援助 请参阅有关申请联邦援助的更多信息.


所有新生都必须提交 官方 记录从 所有 机构参加 (colleges/universities and high schools, or equivalent).  博彩平台推荐 with more than 15 earned college credits do not need to submit a high school transcript to 招生; however, students seeking federal financial aid 必须 submit an 官方 high school transcript or its equivalent (GED/certificate of high 同等学历)以及所有大学成绩单.


双学分博彩平台推荐 An 官方 "in progress" transcript 必须 be submitted directly from the high school 博彩平台推荐.  博彩平台推荐提交的成绩单没有密封 来自学校的信封  被认为是官方的.
高中毕业生 An 官方 transcript 必须 be submitted directly from the high school to Galveston 大学.  The transcript 必须 have the student's graduation date, along with a certifying 签名.  博彩平台推荐提交的成绩单没有密封 envelope 来自学校的不被认为是官方的.

An 官方 transcript 必须 be submitted directly from the home school to Galveston 大学.  The transcript 必须 have the student's graduation date, along with a certifying 签名.  博彩平台推荐提交的成绩单没有密封 envelope 来自学校的不被认为是官方的.


NOTE: 博彩平台推荐 defines a home school as a school where the parent or guardian 是否直接参与教学过程.

GED/高中同等学历毕业生 An 官方 transcript/certificate of equivalency 必须 be submitted from the state educational agency with a graduation date and certifying 签名.  提交的成绩单 by the student without being in a sealed 来自学校的信封 不 considered 官方.
Non-高中毕业生 or Graduates from a Non-Accredited High School 博彩平台推荐 who do not graduate high school or who graduate from a non-accredited high 学校可在个别批准下入学.  请联系招生处获取文件 以及成绩单要求



大学成绩单必须从 所有 机构参加.  成绩单必须用密封的信封直接提交 从机构.  提交的成绩单 by the student which 不 in a sealed 来自机构的信封  被认为是官方的.

Some colleges may also send transcripts electronic所有y directly 博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐 should contact their sending institution for electronic transcript options.  通过电子邮件发送博彩平台推荐的成绩单  被认为是官方的.








博彩平台推荐 less than 22 years of age 必须 submit proof of vaccination against Bacterial 脑膜炎(除非获豁免).  请浏览 细菌性脑膜炎网页 对于需求.



Other/additional documentation may be required as part of the enrollment process.  博彩平台推荐 will receive an email/letter with any additional requirements.  博彩平台推荐 亦可透过myGC在 浪涛门户.

The State of Texas requires 所有 students to be assessed in Mathematics, Reading, and 确定课程安排和资格的写作.  有些博彩平台推荐可以豁免 进行TSI评估.

博彩平台推荐 may also visit with a Counselor or Advisor in the 咨询/建议 Center (Moody H所有, Room 150) to determine if the TSI assessment is required.



All first-time college students are required to complete a 新生迎新 在注册课程之前. 新生迎新活动是……的重要组成部分 注册过程和设计是为了帮助你成功. 为方便起见, we offer both in-person and online 新生迎新 options.

参观 新生介绍页面 有关入职日期及资料. 在线版本可通过以下方式访问 你的白帽传送门.

新博彩平台推荐 should visit with their Advisor/Counselor or Program Coordinator to plan their schedule 规划他们的职业和教育目标.  继续就读或复读博彩平台推荐 are encouraged to keep in touch with their assigned advisor to stay on track to graduation.


博彩平台推荐可以亲自或在线注册 浪涛门户.  网上注册的详细说明如下:

    • 登录 浪涛门户
    • 点击 myGC
    • Select 博彩平台推荐计划及注册
    • Review your degree progress and plan any courses on your degree plan in the 计划和时间表 area
    • 一旦注册为未来的学期开放,点击 计划和时间表 link
    • 搜索并计划具体的课程部分
    • 选中所有计划的部分后,单击 现在注册 button


登记 不是 直到付款安排完成.  博彩平台推荐可亲自到学校付款 业务办公室 (Moody H所有, Room 222) or online via the Nelnet付款计划.

有关网上支付的更多信息,请访问 Nelnet 支付系统信息页面.

登记 不是 complete until  your email is set up on your whitecaps portal.

Email questions may be directed to GC IT Service Desk via telephone at 409-944-1352 or servicedesk@yn17car.com.


登记 不是 complete until  you have your Student ID and parking pass (if 必要的). 参观 IT Service Desk, located in room R-120 on the main campus.

ID questions may be directed to GC IT Service Desk via telephone at 409-944-1352 or servicedesk@yn17car.com.




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